Tuesday, December 28, 2010

clean is clarity

Day two of input~what is put into my body, determines my clarity, my state of mind, my well being.

Reason behind this new journey? I read what I blogged approximately one year ago, and it was fueled by what was being put into my body. Mass quantities of wine, cigarettes, caffeine and icky food. My finances, work, and mental well being were/are very unstable. Changed started on a minor level~two weeks ago.

Caffeine input-minimal. goal? less headaches and exhaustion in the afternoon, and perhaps more energy to walk my dog.

Wine input-UGH.........this one is tough. NO MORE wine in the house. no more stopping after work for a bottle of wine. No more Sunday afternoon cleaning the house bottle of wine. Limit-if I go out.........I may have wine. End result? first attempt: out with the girls......bombed.......and ill. second attempt? much better- 3 1/2 glasses of wine..........I just walked away from it without stumbling. Was of clear mind when I went home, and headache free at work the next day.......

Baby steps. I WANT the wine. I don't crave it anymore. I just miss it. Like a dear dear friend~that has always been there for me, but always got me into trouble.

So now day two of the food. Think before I eat. Stop thinking about eating. I am officially in detox of food. One thing, that has always been my enemy for as long as I can remember. An enemy so much, that it was easier not to eat, than to eat. Now, its easier to eat, than to not eat. Goal? I need to lose the 15 pounds that I gained in 12 months.

There is a lot more to discuss on this topic. But tonight I am tired. Unmotivated to write about it. But I took two walks today. And haven't retreated to my bedroom to hide from my children like I normally do, and I smiled at work all day today......even on the inside.........

So if you are interested, feel free to take this journey with me, I don't want to do it alone.

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