Wednesday, December 29, 2010

In search of Clarity still~

day 3-I had to have cake last night. It was my 45th birthday, and I earned it. For all the cakes I didn't have for previous years. It was good. No, great. One peice was perfect.

Caffeine intake-an over abundence. An extra cup at work yesterday, followed by a large cup to go with my birthday cake and my new coffee cup. That too was perfect, but today, I have a caffeine hangover. So on this aspect, I am starting over.............

Still no wine. Thinking about it though. New Years Eve with no wine??? As of this moment, I have decided no wine. Things could change~

Sitting at my desk at work, while hot chocolate and marshmallows is offered. Spinach dip~I work with all women.........we all comfort each other with food. These girls need to leave me alone, ah~ But they love me, as I do them.

Getting dressed was the same this morning. No milestones. I didn't attempt to try on anything that hasn't been fitting.........I slipped into my "butter ball" clothes. Promising myself no scale for two weeks. I can't even weigh myself until next year. I find that difficult.

I am off to work now. Tea in hand. Lots of water.......minimal food. I wonder when I will address the smoking issue???

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